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Najciekawsze, najbardziej kreatywne i twórcze pomysÅ‚y na monolog wewnÄ™trzny zostanÄ… przez nas nagrodzone :)

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Kreatywnej zabawy z AI :)


DALL·E 2024-01-23 18.37.40 - Reimagine the scene to closely align with the stage directions (didascalia) provided by Sławomir Mrożek for _Tango_. The setting is an .png


DALL·E 2024-01-23 18.39.18 - Imagine Stefan Żeromski, the distinguished Polish novelist and playwright, often referred to as the 'conscience of Polish literature', .png


DALL·E 2024-01-23 18.08.14 - Visualize Stanisław Wyspiański, the illustrious Polish playwright and painter known for _Wesele_ (_The Wedding_), reimagined as a moder.png
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